
Tuesday, April 18, 2006

And then sometimes

If pressed, I will say that I am generally a caring person. But then there are moments like this one I'm in right now when I really don't care and I really just want everything be how I want it and not how it will make things better for someone else. I hate these moments because they make me not want to ever hear the words 'Rwanda' and 'genocide' ever again. They make me feel like I could turn around and walk away without feeling a thing.


  • Angel, those feelings are so frequent in my own heart, as well. To ignore it, to walk away...it would be so simple. Except we both know it wouldn't be. Not really, not deep down.

    And certainly not you. Your heart is too beautiful and too rare to give up. Even if it would be easier. Less heart-breaking. Even if the other things are so much more beautiful to look at.

    For you it is to stare hatred and fear and death in the face, and to come out blazing with life and love and courage. I watch you do this every day, and every day you get stronger and more able, and more and more beautiful. Don't give up. I know you won't. And I'm here. Always.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:35 PM  

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